How to reframe your negative thoughts

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with your negative thoughts? If so, then these tips can help you DE clutter your mind. The signs of mental clutter may not always be evident, but if you live with a lot of mental baggage, you might notice the negative results on your emotions and behaviour in the form of
: Lack of energy and motivation to get things done due to worry or overthinking.
: Experience a lot of stress regularly.
: Feeling depressed or anxious most of the time.
: IndDistractecisiveness and unclarity about goals etc.
Negative thoughts and negative thinking patterns are one of the most common reasons for all the mental clutter and learning to identify and cope with them helps in relieving your mind from all the stress.
So here are 5 effective initial strategies to reframe all your negative thoughts.
1. Be a watcher: Simply be conscious and aware of yourself as a detached and neutral witness to your thoughts. This makes it easy to identify the negative thoughts.
2. Identify and Label: Identify the negative thoughts and label them as “Negative”. Acknowledge that they are nothing more than thoughts. They are not your reality.
3. Just say “NO”: Whenever you find yourself stuck in a compulsive repetition of those thoughts, simply say “STOP” out loud, and make yourself awake and more aware of your pattern.
4. Know your triggers: Pay attention to the common worries and anxieties you tend to stick to. They may unknowingly act as triggers to form new negative thinking patterns.
5. Distract your mind: Do something productive that will occupy your mind and so there is no room for negative thoughts.

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